Author: Administrator65 (Page 2 of 2)


The following has been sourced from The Grand Lodge of Scotland’s website.



Further to my email to you all yesterday, can I give you an update on all developments that have taken place today.

I have advised all Committee Chairmen to cancel all committee meetings but that they should maintain contact with the committees through email in order that any urgent business can be conducted.

Grand Lodge will be closed to all except staff. At a Staff Meeting this morning all members of staff agreed to carry on working so that you will still have points of contact. Every possible precaution has been taken to ensure their health and wellbeing in Grand Lodge and we will continue to look after their welfare, but they will be there for you if you need to contact them. But please be aware no one will be allowed to enter the building under any circumstances except the staff.

The contractors working on the new lift will be in the building but will be kept away from the Grand Lodge staff.

Can I re-emphasise that I have suspended all Masonic activity until further notice. I have intentionally not given a specific time frame so that we can resume activities as soon as it is felt safe to do so.

All Lodges who are due to celebrate milestones in their history this year and all Provinces and Districts who are due to have Installations this year should not abandon their plans. Grand Lodge will honour all commitments once it is safe to do – this may well mean carrying out three or four celebrations on the one day, but they will be done.

My sincere thanks to you all for your forbearance. I will ensure that you are all kept up to date with any fresh developments.

Stay safe and look after each other, especially the elderly, the lonely and the vulnerable. Give them a wee phone call every day or drop them an email.  Many thanks

Yours sincerely and fraternally

W Ramsay McGhee

Grand Master Mason

The Peace Tree Centenary

The Peace Tree was planted in the grounds of Dunnottar Church on 6th July 1919 at a service led by Rev. D G Barron and attended by the Parish Council of Fetteresso and Dunnottar, The Town Council, and Brethren of the Lodge of Stonehaven No.65.

The tree was planted by Provost Greig with two Scouts holding large standards.

The spade used to plant the tree has a plaque on it and is kept in the Masonic Lodge above the internal entrance door.

The tree is now recognised as an official war memorial and as far as is known is the only “living” monument in the area. It has a preservation order made by Aberdeenshire Council.

A service was held on Saturday 6th July 2019 to commemorate the Centenary of the planting and was attended by a good turnout of Freemasons from the Province of Kincardineshire principally from the Lodge of Stonehaven No.65 along with congregation and guests from the local churches and organisations.

The service was conducted by Rev. Dr. Alan Murray Moderator of the Presbytery of Kincardine and Deeside who gave a short service in the church followed by a wreath laying ceremony at the Peace Tree.

The following Brethren attended the ceremony in Masonic Regalia:

Lodge of Stonehaven No.65

Bro. John Airth PM Bro. Forbes Bain PM
Bro. Stewart Campbell PM Bro. Mel Christie PM
Bro. Alex Cormack PM Bro. Callum Coward Chaplain
Bro. Billy Gibson Bro. Peter Greig
Bro. John Lawson PM Bro. Damien Lincoln JD
Bro. Tom Loudon Bro. David Taylor
Bro. Jim Thomson PM Bro. Greig Walker Sub.M
Bro. Jim Wilson PM  

Lodge Portlethen No.1805

Bro. Graham McKay DPGM

Lodge Paisley St. Mirren No.129

Bro. Alan Cairnduff

Group photo

Lodge St John 119 (Johnshaven) 250th Rededication

Please be advised –
Lodge St John 119 (Johnshaven), have their 250th Rededication coming up.
This is on the 31st August 2019 and will be held at Stonehaven Lodge 65.
The itinerary is as follows –
11:30 – Photographs.
12:15 – Tyle.
Provincial Lodges – 12:30.
GLOS – 13:00.
There is a meal at the Station Hotel in Stonehaven at 15:00.
Tickets are £25.
Spaces are limited for the meal to around 110.
Can you please let me or Alick Smith or Stuart Morrice know who wishes to attend the Meeting only.
Can you please let same know who wishes to attend the Meal and the Meeting.
There will be commemorative badges available at around £6- £7.
Would advise getting names in sooner rather than later as I’m sure a lot of you won’t want to miss out on this special occasion.

Lodge News – 1st April

At the Provincial Grand Lodge meeting at St.David No572 the following lodge 65 members were installed into Provincial Offices.

WSW – Jim Thomson

SD –      Bill Jamieson

Architect – Chris Stephen


Bro. Keith Aikenhead St Mark No1313 decided to retire from Treasurer after almost 50 years as a PGL Office Bearer and it was unanimously agreed that Bro. Martin Irvine of Lodge 65 would take over as Treasurer.


At the Presentation of Charity Cheques on Friday 25th March £3500 each was handed over to Pillar Kincardine (Mental Health Charity) and Carronhill School (for playground equipment for children with Learning difficulties).

The meeting was well attended and the two charities gave excellent presentations to explain their excellent work.  


It was agreed at the meeting that the following Charities would be recipients for this year’s appeal

  1. Super Sam’s Fund for Child Tumour Awareness – proposed by Lodge 65
  2. 1st Responders Laurencekirk – proposed by Lodge 572.

Cheque Presentation

Hello and welcome

Welcome to the website of The Lodge of Stonehaven, number 65 on the roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.

Situated in the province of Kincardineshire, we are one of the 6 daughter lodges of the province.

We hope that you enjoy visiting this site and we look forward to welcoming you to our fine old lodge if you decide to visit.

On behalf of myself, our Past Masters, office bearers and brethren , we offer a warm, hearty Stonehaven welcome and we would very much hope to see you visiting our lodge in the future.

We have a busy lodge here at Stonehaven 65 with meetings every 2nd and 4th Monday, from September through until April, except for December where our installation of office bearers takes place on the 2nd Friday of the month.

I hope that you enjoy browsing through our site and find it very informative. Please get in touch if you have any queries or require any further information.

Fraternal Regards

Bro. N. Jamieson R.W.M 2024 – present



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