2024 Charity Ball Donations

From R.W.P.G.M.It is the time of year again, when the monies raised by Kincardineshire Freemasons at the annual charity ball and other events, is distributed to local groups. Today I had the honour and pleasure of visiting 3 of the groups. First I visited The Larder in Portlethen and met…

Successful Charity Race Night

On Saturday 27th April a charity race night was held at the 65 club to help raise money for the local charities which have been nominated to receive money from the annual charity ball. A huge thanks to those involved with a special mention to Allan Malcolm and Jim Thomson…

Divine Service 2024

This evening, after the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kincardineshire had opened and adjourned, PGM Bro. Graham Mckay welcomed the Reverend Mary Jepp of St James’ Church, Stonehaven into the Lodge Room. The Rev. Mary was accompanied by the PG Chaplain and Brethren’s wives and all took their places within the…

St James’ Church Allotment

This afternoon Brethren from across the Lodges of the Province came together at St James’ Church, Stonehaven to clear away an overgrown piece of ground in preparation for it becoming an allotment. This allotment will be cultivated with soft fruits and vegetables, as well as being a place for quiet…

Trip to Rosslyn Chapel

A day trip to Rosslyn Chapel was taken on 13th May 2023, for many of our members this was a first time experience whilst others had visited before. The Masonic tour led by Bro. Ian Robertson was very interesting. Thanks to Bro. Rob Collins for organising the event.

Cheque Presentation

The Provincial Grand Master and Office Bearers of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kincardineshire presented £3000 each to Cycling Without Age Stonehaven and Mearns & Coastal Healthy Living Network.  Both charities were extremely grateful for the support. Thank you to all who made this possible.

Ben Nevis 2022 Charity Walk

On Saturday 25th June a group of intrepid Freemasons from Kincardineshire scaled the towering heights of Ben Nevis 4,413 ft (1,345m) to help raise much needed funds for the two Provincial Charities of Kincardineshire this year: ‘Cycling Without Age’, and ‘Mearns Coastal Healthy Living Network’. It was hard work with…