Dues for 2020-21 membership are now required to be paid. Lodge bank details can be requested from the Treasurer in order to pay via bank transfer.
A reminder that any member that fails to pay will no longer be in good standing.
Dues for 2020-21 membership are now required to be paid. Lodge bank details can be requested from the Treasurer in order to pay via bank transfer.
A reminder that any member that fails to pay will no longer be in good standing.
Welcome to the website of The Lodge of Stonehaven, number 65 on the roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.
Situated in the province of Kincardineshire, we are one of the 6 daughter lodges of the province.
We hope that you enjoy visiting this site and we look forward to welcoming you to our fine old lodge if you decide to visit.
On behalf of myself, our Past Masters, office bearers and brethren , we offer a warm, hearty Stonehaven welcome and we would very much hope to see you visiting our lodge in the future.
We have a busy lodge here at Stonehaven 65 with meetings every 2nd and 4th Monday, from September through until April, except for December where our installation of office bearers takes place on the 2nd Friday of the month.
I hope that you enjoy browsing through our site and find it very informative. Please get in touch if you have any queries or require any further information.
Fraternal Regards
Bro. N. Jamieson R.W.M 2024 – present
© 2025 The Lodge of Stonehaven 65
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