R.W.M. | Bro. J. Thomson |
Depute Master | Bro. C. Stephen |
Substitute Master | Bro. N. Jamieson |
Senior Warden | Bro. D. Lincoln |
Junior Warden | Bro. C. Coward |
Secretary | Bro. N. Hart P.M. |
Treasurer | Bro. M. Irvine P.M. |
Almoner | Bro. A. Cormack P.M. |
Chaplain | Bro. J. Small |
Senior Deacon | Bro. K. Foreman |
Junior Deacon | Bro. B. Foreman |
D. of Ceremonies | Bro. M. Christie P.M. |
Architect | Bro. D. Taylor |
Jeweller | Bro. W. Jamieson P.M. |
Bible Bearer | Bro. J. Lawson P.M. |
Bard | Bro. P. Greig |
Sword Bearer | Bro. D. Hart |
Organist | Bro. M. Nevill P.M. |
Marshal | Bro. I. Taylor |
P. of Stewards | Bro. R. Corrigan |
Stewards | Bro. A. Blair | Bro J. Stephen | Bro. D. Jackson | Bro. M. McDonnell |
Inner Guard | Bro. M. Watson |
Tyler | Bro. R. Sweeney P.M. |
Lodge History
The first recorded minute of the Lodge was taken in 27th December 1738 where “Meassons belonging to the lodge of Stonehyve, in the house of George Reid Measson” duly elected George Herdman to be the master of the lodge.
The lodge of Stonehaven was granted its charter on the 6th August 1755 and brother Lewis Murray was named as the master of “The lodge of Stonehaven”.
The present number of the lodge on the roll of Grand lodge is 65, although there are minutes which rather curiously, state that certain receipts from Grand Lodge claim the Lodge of Stonehaven “bears the number of our lodge to be 78”
During the formative years the Lodge used several buildings in the area to hold meetings, even brother’s houses! Many of these buildings are still in use in modern day Stonehaven. In 1738, the brethren gathered in the house of George Reid, on High Street in the old town area of Stonehaven. Various other rooms, buildings and lodges followed through the years until 1929 when the lodge purchased the U.P church and where to this day the Lodge of Stonehaven is based.
From the first recorded R.W Master of the lodge : George Herdman (1738 – 1742) right through to the current R.W Master Bro. G. Walker the lodge has always been a vital part of the community of Stonehaven.
The Lodge celebrated its 200 year re-dedication in 1955 (celebrating 200 years since the charter was granted) on the 30th of September, with the celebrations being led by WM.A.C.Sutherland.
The lodge also celebrated the 250 year re-dedication of the first recorded minute in 1988 (the minute being recorded in 1738) on the 28th October, with the celebrations being led by R.W.M Bro John Airth, who was an integral part of the lodge.
This is merely a small part of the history of The Lodge of Stonehaven 65. If you would like to know anything else regarding the lodge, brethren or the town of Stonehaven, please get in touch.
Visting brethren will always be guaranteed a warm “Stonehaven welcome”
“It must be assumed that Freemasonry has existed in Stonehaven for many years and that it must rank as the oldest continuous Society or body that has been formed in the town of Stonehaven”
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